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HKEMS Competition cum Symposium 2024

Jan. 13, 2024

The Hong Kong Fire Services Department, The Institution of Fire Engineers (Hong Kong Branch), and China Hong Kong Ambulance Service Institute jointly organized the "HKEMS Competition cum Symposium 2024" on January 13th, 2024. The event was officiated by Mr. Tang Ping-keung, GBS, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security. Peers from the Greater Bay Area and Singapore, as well as representatives from various government departments, organizations, and medical institutions, were in attendance.During the symposium, representatives from the Singapore Civil Defence Force and the Guangzhou 120 Emergency Command Center explained the structure of their local emergency medical systems. Representatives from The Institution of Fire Engineers (Hong Kong Branch) and China Hong Kong Ambulance Service Institute shared the challenges faced by the Fire Services Department and the Government Flying Service during search and rescue operations. The conference also included a demonstration of wildfire rescue exercises.Following the symposium was the final of the "HKEMS Competition". There were a total of 16 teams, each consisting of one ambulance officer, three ambulance personnel, and two firemen with advanced ambulance aid qualification. The final simulated a scenario where armed terrorists intruded into a lecture hall with 300 people. The Police Tactical Unit conducted a tactical assault and successfully subdued the terrorists, gaining control of the scene. The finalist teams then entered the lecture hall and provided emergency medical care to the injured using specialized tools and techniques. This competition provided participants with a valuable opportunity to equip themselves and enhance their rescue skills.